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2¡¢Do a good job in patrol inspection of E&I equipment and make patrol inspection records.
Check the running, emitting, dripping and leaking of all kinds of E&I equipment, find out the problems in time, fasten them in time, and report the problems that cannot be solved in timeÈÏÕæ×öºÃµçÒÇÉ豸µÄѲ»Ø¼ì²é£¬×öºÃѲ¼ì¼Ç¼¡£
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Check the running, emitting, dripping and leaking of all kinds of instruments, find out the problems in time, fasten them in time, and report the problems that cannot be solved in time°´ÕÕEAMµÄ¹¤µ¥¼Æ»®£¬Ã¿ÌìÈÕ³£±£Ñø£¨PMP£©ÓëÉú²úµÄЭµ÷, ¸üÐÂÈÕ³£Î¬Ð޼Ǽ£¬¼°Ê±·´Ó¦Î¬ÐÞÖеÄÎÊÌâÒÔ½øÒ»²½½â¾ö£¬×öºÃÖÜ¡¢ÔÂ×ܽ᣻

4¡¢When the maintenance personnel enter the workshop, they shall issue the relevant safety work permit, wear all kinds of labor protection and safety protection equipment, clean the site after the safety maintenance and close the work permit in time;
handle the approval of the work permit, abide by the safety regulations and maintenance procedures of Shengke company, and carry out civilized constructionάÐÞÈËÔ±½øÈë³µ¼äÒªÓгµ¼ä¿ª¾ßÏà¹Ø°²È«×÷ҵƱ£¬Åå´øºÃ¸÷ÀàÀͶ¯±£»


5¡¢Do a good job on duty.
After receiving the maintenance notice, the personnel on duty on Saturday, Sunday and evening shall arrive at the site in time for judgment.
The personnel who can solve the problem shall try their best to conduct safe maintenance.
In case of any incomprehension and workshop requirements that must be maintained, they shall report to the leader at the next higher level.
When the personnel is not enough, they shall contact the chief on duty to repair the urgent maintenance task first.
Work permit must also be issued for night work ×öºÃÖµ°àÖµÊع¤×÷£¬ÐÇÆÚÁù¡¢ÈÕºÍÍíÉÏÖµ°àÈËÔ±½Óµ½Î¬ÐÞ֪ͨºóÒª¼°Ê±µ½ÏÖ³¡Åжϣ¬Äܽâ¾öµÄ¾¡Á¿°²È«¼ìÐÞ£¬Óöµ½²»¶®µÄ¡¢³µ¼äÒªÇó±ØÐëάÐÞµÄÒªÏòÉÏÒ»¼¶Áìµ¼»ã±¨£¬ÔÚÈËÔ±²»¹»µÄʱºòÁªÏµÖµ°à³¤ÏÈάÐÞ¼±ÐèµÄ¼ìÐÞÈÎÎñ¡£
Ò¹¼ä×÷ÒµÒ²±ØÐ뿪¾ß×÷ҵƱ6¡¢Do a good job in the implementation of the standardization of the identification of the E&I equipment of the maintained devices×öºÃËùά»¤×°ÖõçÒÇÉ豸±êʾ¡¢±ê×¼»¯ÊµÊ©¹¤×÷7¡¢Assist the engineer to improve the team account data.
8¡¢Actively complete the tasks assigned by the major overhaul, medium repair and technical measures and technical transformation projects, and complete them in a timely manner with quality and quantity guaranteed»ý¼«×öºÃ±¾×¨Òµ´óÐÞ¡¢ÖÐÐÞ¼°¼¼´ë¼¼¸ÄÏîÄ¿Ëù·ÖÅäµÄ¹¤×÷ÈÎÎñ£¬¼°Ê±±£Öʱ£Á¿Íê³É¡£
9¡¢Responsible for routine clean in workshop (6S) ;

10¡¢Report to the Electrical & instrument group leaders on the completion of the day"s work .

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